Start-Up Deep Dive: How They Can Be a Driver of the Energy Transition

The smarter E Podcast Episode 162 | January 18, 2024 | Language: English

In this podcast we talk a lot to experts on regulatory developments and frameworks, to representatives of large organisations and associations. One thing we haven't really covered in depth is the important role of startups in driving the sustainable energy world.

So in this episode, we want to find out what significant role they play and what they need to be successful and thrive with their contribution to a decentralised energy supply with renewable energies.

The road from an idea to a successful business model is a long one. And the fundamental problem for start-ups is often finding investors. What criteria do investors often use to decide whether to invest in an energy start-up? And in which areas are there particularly many start-ups or can they be particularly successful?

Jan Lozek of Future Energy Ventures tells us all about this and much more.


  • 05:15 What unique opportunities and challenges are energy start-ups facing when implementing decentralised solutions?
  • 08:38 Corporate partnerships: What are the benefits of such partnerships and what can companies learn from each other?
  • 12:45 What are the key criteria for FEV when it comes to investing in a start-up in the energy sector?
  • 14:36 To what extent does the regulatory framework influence the work of start-ups in the energy sector? Are there any regulatory changes or developments that are particularly relevant to start-ups?c
  • 19:12 In which areas are start-ups most common or most successful?

About The smarter E Podcast

The smarter E podcast is all about the current trends and developments in a renewable, decentralized and digital energy industry. Our moderators Tobias Bücklein and Zackes Brustik welcome and interview personalities who shape our industry and drive developments forward. A new episode is published every Thursday.

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About Jan Lozek and Future Energy Ventures

Jan is Managing Partner and Co-Founder of Future Energy Ventures. He has 25 years‘ experience in the energy and tech sectors and leads with a mindset focused on future, customers and people.

Jan is committed to working towards a net-zero-carbon energy system, which he believes will be foundational to the future energy landscape and ultimately secure the future of our planet. Jan previously held senior executive positions in RWE AG, Innogy SE and E.ON SE.

Future Energy Ventures (FEV) is a Venture Capital and collaboration platform investing in start-ups shaping the future energy landscape. Focus is on sustainable energy, smart cities and frontier technologies designed to accelerate the energy transition and decarbonize our societies.

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